The first step towards getting a new home is getting the deposit together. However, when you are starting to review you finances you may find that having multiple different debts becomes difficult to manage and could cause issues when applying for a mortgage.
If you take out a car loan, have credit cards or a mortgage, then managing your repayments can get complicated.
The first thing to do is list out all of the different lenders you owe money to:
- How much money do you owe, the balance of the debt
- What is the interest rate
- How much is the repayment is for each debt
Lender/Debt | Balance | Repayments per month | Interest% |
Q card | $2562 | $125 | 25% |
Now we have an understanding of your debts and outgoings we can decide on an appropriate strategy to manage them. There are several debt reduction strategies below which can help you take back control of your finances and better manage your debt.